
Practical Wanderlust

Hello from Germany! 🥨 Practical Wanderlust December Newsletter

Published over 1 year ago • 5 min read

Hey Reader,

It's Lia and Jeremy from Practical Wanderlust, that disaster-prone travel blogging couple. You signed up for our newsletter because you're the best! Here's everything we've been up to, plus all the new content we've published since our last newsletter.

Psst: You'll want to display images for this email because otherwise stuff is gonna look kinda funky.


Hey y'all! How is it December already?!

Like, yesterday we had a tiny newborn baby. Now we have a silly, funny, talkative 7-month old baby who sits up on her own and has a ridiculous sense of humor and is about to hop on a plane for her very first international trip. Wild!

Oh, right, the trip: y'all, we're in Germany for Christmas Markets! It's been actual years since we were able to visit Europe and soak up gluhwein and holiday cheer, and we're equal parts excited to travel again and fully terrified to be bringing a baby along with us. Is she going to sleep?? How will she handle the plane? Is this going to be absolutely miserable? We have no idea. Stay tuned - we' re sting lots of stories and reels on Instagram.

Other than frantically prepping for this trip, we've been hosting a lot of family this month here in Kentucky, and launching our newest business venture: Louisville Food Tours! To our absolute surprise, our walking food tours have been booked solid - and we only launched last month. Wild!! Jeremy is loving his new life as a tour guide, and we're having a lot of fun figuring out how to run a business that isn't a blog. While like, juggling a baby. We've never been busier, but we're doing pretty great, all things considered.

Miss y'all - I really wish we had more time to keep you updated. I'm going to do my best to write a really juicy, detailed year in review post next month with all the things I can't fit into a newsletter, so hopefully I'll be sharing that next month. Until then, Happy Holidays and don't get sick!

xoxo Lia, Jeremy, Mulan, & Baby A.

Psst - have you gotten your flu shot and Omicron booster shot yet? If not, go get them ASAP!


While we've buried in babies, I managed to crank out exactly 2 posts:

​Ski Trip Packing List: 32 Essentials to Pack for the Snow​

Powdery snow. Blue skies. The feel of the wind on your face. That one little kid who is infinitely better than you. Ahhh, ski vacations: where Jeremy snowboards and I practice my professional hot-tubbing. From the ski vacation essentials that find their way into our suitcases year after year to the things you'll never find us packing (like ... an actual snowboard. Rentals exist for a reason!), here's all the tips you need to pack for your next ski vacation, whether it's your first or you're a ski bunny regular! Read this post »​

​Traveling with curly hair: the low maintenance guide to amazing curls abroad​

I always thought I had awful hair: thin, frizzy, kinda wavy but not really, prone to breakage and just generally shapeless and annoying. Turns out I just had no idea how to handle my hair! Today, my curls are living their full potential all over the world, even though I'm lazy AF about it. Here's all the low maintenance tips you need for traveling with curly hair! Read this post »​


Here's where we're dreaming of visiting this time of year:

  • ​Winter Sports: For snowboarding or skiing, Lake Tahoe is unparalleled, and our Lake Tahoe in the Winter post will help you plan your trip on a budget.
  • ​Less Sporty Winter Travel: Winter doesn't have to be about hitting the slopes, it can also be about eating delicious warm food, sipping on hot chocolate and exploring everything festive! Canada is the perfect spot: Quebec and Montreal are close to the US but just as charming as Europe. If you want to stay within the US then Chicago and Boston are surprisingly delightful in the winter! And of course, our cold weather packing list will help you pack.
  • Escaping the cold: If you utterly hate the cold then jet off and enjoy some sun! May we suggest sunny Mexico or tropical Costa Rica, or perhaps equatorial Ecuador?



With the holiday season in full swing we are thinking about gifts for our loved ones. We have a collection of Gift Guide posts for all the gift giving inspiration you need! (Psst: If you aren't already aware, when you shop our gift guides & make purchases using our links, we often earn a small commission at no cost to you - which is a HUGE help and how we we earn money to keep Practical Wanderlust afloat. We really appreciate it!)

  • ​50 Gifts for Travel Lovers: This comprehensive gift guide has something for every travel lover on your list. But let’s just be honest: you’re gonna want all of this stuff for yourself too. No judgment, y’all - treat yo’self! (And yes: we got very sidetracked with shopping for travel stuff in Etsy while writing this gift guide.)
  • ​25 Gifts for Hikers Under $25: If you've got a loved one who loves to hike, here's how to shower them in hiking shwag without breaking the bank (because like ... you love them, but you don't $200 pair of hiking boots love them, yanno?).
  • ​30 Eco-Friendly Travel Gifts: One of the many ways we strive to make a positive impact is through conscientious consumerism. Our eco-friendly gift guide is full of ethically- and sustainably-made products, so you can truly feel good about treating your loved ones (ahem: or yourself) this holiday season!
  • ​6 Travel Gifts for Coffee Lovers: Buying a gift for a coffee lover? Put down the coffee-scented lip balm and coffee-scented candle: you can do better! We've brewed up the perfect list of travel gifts for coffee lovers that they'll actually use.
  • ​28 Ridiculous Travel Gifts: If all else fails, just get your loved one something they definitely don't need. Like a portable sauna. Or a travel-friendly juicer. You probably won't win any points for your travel knowledge, but you'll definitely make them smile (or cringe, which is more fun anyway).

We've also compiled many of our packing lists into a neat and tidy little Amazon storefront. You'll find organized shopping lists of everything from our favorite travel reads to the gear we pack on every trip. Shop 'em all in one place!​


October marked the first month that we were able to put Aurora down in her crib and leave the room, so we're actually able to watch stuff again! Which means we've returned to a steady diet of trash TV. Love is Blind was a hot mess, and Bachelor in Paradise was truly terrible. Ahhhh, we've missed you, trashy reality TV!

During the day we're doing all contact naps, all day long, so Jeremy has been taking advantage of sleepy baby cuddles to play God of War Ragnarok (quietly, with headphones) or read The Great Gatsby, because he's a Louisvillian now and that's a Louisville book (ready to fight anyone who disagrees).

As for me? Well, I've started working during baby snoozes, which is why y'all are getting a newsletter this month! Baby steps... literally ;)

That's all we've got for now, and for the next little while. We'll see you on the other side!

Have any questions for us, or just want to say hi? You can click reply and email us directly. We swear we're not just incredibly advanced and attractive robots - we do actually read & respond to your messages (and we love getting them)!

Until next time,

Practical Wanderlust

Jeremy & Lia Garcia

Disaster-prone travel bloggers creating detailed travel guides to help you avoid making all of our terrible, terrible mistakes.

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Hey Reader, It's Lia and Jeremy from Practical Wanderlust, that disaster-prone travel blogging couple. You signed up for our newsletter because you're the best! Here's everything we've been up to, plus all the new content we've published since our last newsletter. Psst: You'll want to display images for this email because otherwise stuff is gonna look kinda funky. WHAT WE'VE BEEN UP TO Hey y'all! Since our last newsletter - which was, embarassingly, about a year ago - we've crossed the...

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